Disney’s Guardians of the Galaxy took in $2.57 million on Thursday to continue to lead the daily box office. The blockbuster sci-fi superhero adaptation from Marvel has led the daily box office for three of the past four days. Guardians of the Galaxy was down just 2 percent from Wednesday and down a very solid 39 percent from last Thursday. The film placed in second for the week with $36.71 million. That was down 42 percent from the previous frame and brings the three-week total for the film to a very impressive $234.25 million. Guardians of the Galaxy will likely reach the $250 million domestic milestone on either Sunday or Monday.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles held steady in second place with $2.32 million. Paramount’s high-profile franchise re-launch was down 4 percent from Wednesday and down 46 percent from last Thursday. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was the week’s top film with a weekly take of $39.57 million. That represented a 56 percent decline from the film’s first week performance and brings the film’s two-week total to a significantly stronger than expected $128.81 million.
Let’s Be Cops took in $1.65 million to remain in third. Fox’s low-budget action-comedy fell 6 percent from Wednesday and 48 percent from last Thursday. Let’s Be Cops placed in third for the week with $25.84 million and has grossed $34.25 million in nine days. While the film is performing towards the lower end of pre-release expectations thus far, it is performing well with its price-tag in mind.
The Weinstein Company’s The Giver claimed fourth with $1.06 million. The modestly budgeted young adult sci-fi adaptation decreased 5 percent from Wednesday. The Giver placed in fifth for the week with a seven-day start of $17.37 million. That was on the low end of expectations, but was 20 percent stronger than the $14.43 million seven-day take of last year’s The Host.
Lionsgate’s The Expendables 3 rounded out the day’s unchanged top five with $1.01 million. The third installment of the ensemble action franchise starring Sylvester Stallone was down 7 percent from Wednesday. The Expendables 3 landed in fourth this week with a seven-day start of $20.92 million. That was softer than expected and a disappointing 46 percent below the $38.81 million seven-day take of 2012’s The Expendables 2.
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